福萊特玻璃 (6865 HK) 迎接光伏大時代 January 13, 2021 556

PSR Recommendation: BUY Status: Upgraded
Target Price: HKDHKD45.40

業績再次超預期,2020 年盈利大升 43%
福萊特玻璃發布 2020 年度業績盈喜,預計全年實現歸母淨利潤 15.0-16.6 億元,同比
增長 109.2%-131.5%;實現扣非歸母淨利潤 14.8-16.4 億元,同比增長 114.4%-137.7%,
超出我們預計的 13.9 億和市場一致預期 12.7 億約 14-24%。公司將業績預增的原因歸
根據公司 A 股三季報數據,意味著第四季度公司實現淨利潤 6.88-8.48 億元,環比增長
96.01%-141.60%,同比增長 227.62%-303.81%。
今年光伏行業對光伏玻璃的需求在疫情後集中爆發,産品供丌應求導致 7 月、9 月光
伏玻璃價格兩次漲價,3.2mm 産品報價已從年初的 29 元/平米升至 42 元/平米,强勁

About the author

Profile photo of Zhang Jing

Zhang Jing
Phillip Securities (HK)

Bachelor Degree in Tongji University of Engineering; Master Degree in East China Normal University of finance. Currently covering the automobile and air sectors. She has years of experience in investment research and is good at combining analysis for the companies with industry prospects.

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