偉明環保 (603568.SH): 業績穩步提升,盈利能力維持強勁 December 20, 2017 1493


  • 業務規模及盈利能力穩步提升;
  • 推出員工持股計劃,釋放積極信號;


公司盈利能力優異,在手項目充盈,預期新項目逐步落地將推動收入及利潤規模加快增長。預計公司2017-2018 年歸母淨利潤分別爲4.75/5.81 億元,EPS 分別爲0.69/0.85,對應PE 分別爲30.1/24.6,給與12 個月目標價25.5 元,首次覆蓋,給予買入評級。(現價截至12 月18 日)

About the author

Profile photo of Wang Yannan

Wang Yannan
Phillip Securities (HK)

Graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with a Masters degree in Management and major in Financial accounting and Economics throughout her academic study.

Currently Covering Environmental Protection and New Energy sectors as an analyst in Phillip Securities and focus on the macro policy,industry and fundamentals to explore the investment value.

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