心動公司 (2400.HK) TapTap 表現良好 控制成本成關鍵

區及遊戲推薦平台 TapTap 提供在線推廣服務時產生的收入。公司目前遊戲組合包括
20 款網絡遊戲及 22 款付費遊戲。
心動公司(2400.HK)在 2022 年上半年總收入為 1594.0 百萬元(人民幣,下同),同比上
升 15.6%。毛利為 782.9 百萬元,同比上升 15.7%。毛利率為 49.1%,同比大致持平。
期內虧損為 381.4 百萬元,同比虧損擴大 18.3%。
網絡遊戲淨收入為 1042.1 百萬元,同比上升 10.9%。收入上升主要由於來自《香腸派
對》的收入增加,不過部分收入增長被若干如《仙境傳說 M》及《不休的烏拉拉》等
付費遊戲淨收入為 72.6 百萬元,同比下跌 18.0%。收入下跌主要由於若干現有付費遊
整體遊戲業務的收入成本為 674.3 百萬元,同比上升 6%。另外毛利率為 40.1%,同比
上升 1.1%。主要歸因於《香腸派對》的收入增加,導致遊戲開發商的收益分成增加人
民幣 106.7 百萬元。

XD.Inc (2400.HK) TapTap performed well, cost control is the key

XD.Inc (2400.HK) is a game developer, operator and publisher in China, its main
business is game operating and information services. Gaming operating include
online games and premium games, its revenue mainly come from the sales of
virtual items of online games and revenue generated from premium games by
third parties and self-owned distribution platforms. Information service’s revenue
mainly comes from the income generated when the player interactive community
and game recommendation platform TapTap provide online promotion services.
As of June 30, 2022, the company current titles portfolio included 20 online games
and 22 premium games.
A review of Q2 2022 Results
XD.Inc (2400.HK) has announced the interim report ended June 30 2022. The
company’s revenue amounted to RMB 1594.0 million, representing an increase of
15.6% YoY. Gross profit amounted to RMB 782.9 million, representing an increase
of 15.7%. Gross profit margin was 49.1%, roughly flat YoY. The loss for the period
was RMB 381.4 million, representing an increase of 18.3% YoY.
Gaming operating:

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