快手 (1024.HK) 成本控制表現良好 電商與海外業務成新增長動力 中國 |科技|

務收入主要來自短視頻及直播廣告; 直播業務收入主要來自付費內容與用戶購買虛擬物
品送贈給主播的收入分成; 其他服務收入主要來自電商。
快手(1024.HK)在 2022 年第三季總收入為 231.2 億元(人民幣,下同),同比上升
12.9%。毛利為 107.0 億元,同比上升 25.8%,毛利率為 46.3%,同比上升 4.8 個百分
點。經營虧損為 26.1 億元,同比虧損收窄 64.7%。期內虧損 27.1 億元,同比虧損收窄
61.7%。經調整虧損淨額為 6.7 億元,同比虧損收窄 85.4%。經調整 EBITDA 為 10.2 億

Kuaishou Technology (1024.HK) Cost control performed well, e-commerce and overseas business became new growth drivers

Kuaishou (1024.HK) main business includes online marketing services, live streaming
and other services (including e-commerce). Online marketing business income
mainly comes from short video and live broadcast advertisements, live stream
business income mainly comes from paid content and the revenue sharing of users
buying virtual items as gifts to anchors, other service income mainly comes from ecommerce.
A review of Q3 2022 Results
Kuaishou (1024.HK) has announced the Q3 report ended September 30 2022. The
company’s revenue amounted to RMB 23.1 billion, increasing 12.9% YoY. Gross
profit amounted to RMB 10.7 billion, increasing 25.8%. Gross profit margin was
46.3%, increasing 4.8 percentage point YoY. Operating loss was RMB 2.6 billion,
loss narrowed by 64.7% YoY. The loss for the period was RMB 2.7 billion, loss
narrowed by 61.7% YoY. Adjusted net loss amounted to RMB 671.9 million, loss
narrowed by 85.4% YoY. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to RMB 1.02 billion, out of the
red YoY.

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