中手游(302.HK) 新遊陸續上線 收入迎來復甦

中手游是全球化 IP 遊戲生態公司,截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日,集團擁有龐大的 IP 儲
備,包括 64 個授權 IP 及 68 個自有 IP,共計 132 個。根據 Analysys(易觀智庫)數據顯
示,除騰訊遊戲外,集團是擁有 IP 儲備數量最多的中國遊戲發行商,以及過往兩年中
推出最多的移動 IP 遊戲數量的中國遊戲發行商。集團的收入來源主要來自三部分,分
公司 2022 全年業績點評
公司 2022 年的收入為 27.1 億元(人民幣,下同),同比下跌 31.4%。銷售成本為 16.0 億
元,同比下降 35.5%。毛利為 11.1 億元,同比下跌 24.6%。毛利率為 41.0%,同比輕
微上升 3.7 個百分點。期內歸屬於母公司擁有人應佔虧損 2.1 億元,同比由盈轉虧。經
調整淨虧損為 2.0 億元,同比由盈轉虧。

CMGE (302.HK) New games launched one after another, revenue ushered in recovery

CMGE (302.HK) is a global IP game ecological company. As of December 31, 2022,
the Group has a huge IP reserve, including 64 authorized Ips and 68 self-owned Ips,
totaling 132 IPs. According to data from Analysys, apart from Tencent Games, the
Group is the Chinese game publisher with the largest number of IP reserves, and
the Chinese game publisher with the largest number of mobile IP games launched
in the past two years. The Group’s revenue sources mainly come from three parts,
namely game distribution, game development and intellectual property (IP)
A review of 2022 Results
For the year ended 31 December 2022, the company’s revenue amounted to 2.71
billion (RMB, the same below), decreasing 31.4% YoY. The cost of sales amounted
to 1.6 billion, decreasing 35.5% YoY. Gross profit amounted to 1.11 billion,
decreasing 24.6% YoY. Gross profit margin was 41%, a slight increase of 3.7
percentage points YoY. The loss during the period amounted to 210 million,
turning from profit to loss YoY. The adjusted net loss amounted to 200 million,
turning from profit to loss YoY.
Revenue by Business Type
The revenue of the game publishing business amounted to 2.11 billion, decreasing
25% YoY, accounting for 77.9% of the total revenue. The decline in revenue was
mainly due to the postponement of obtaining licenses as scheduled for various
games planned to be published in the first half of 2022 by the Group such as
Sword and Fairy: Wen Qing, Rakshasa Street: Chosen One and Cultivation Fantasy
led to the delay in the launch of these games. However, Rakshasa Street: Chosen
One, an online mobile game published by the Group, was achieved a huge success
in Mainland China; the Group launched The New Legend of The Condor Heroes:
Iron Blood and Loyal Heart success. Publishing new games provided new
publishing revenue to the Group

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