華域汽車 (600741.CH): 中期業績靚麗,産品升級和新興業務繼續推進 October 10, 2018 678


華域汽車是中國汽車零部件行業的領先者,對具有核心競爭力的業務板塊,公司將進 一步實行外延式的擴張和內涵式增長相結合的發展途徑,以促進轉型升級、形成支撐 未來可持續發展的核心業務群。我們依舊認爲零部件的系統化,高端化和科技化是中 國汽車市場的未來發展趨勢,利好公司這樣的高品質零部件生産商提高市場份額,維 持買入評級。

About the author

Profile photo of Zhang Jing

Zhang Jing
Phillip Securities (HK)

Bachelor Degree in Tongji University of Engineering; Master Degree in East China Normal University of finance. Currently covering the automobile and air sectors. She has years of experience in investment research and is good at combining analysis for the companies with industry prospects.

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